Sunday, April 19, 2009


This is one of the most interesting things that has happened to me in Peace Corps, or for my entire life for that matter. So a week ago I came home from bringing my friend Nicolet to the airport and come to find out my cat Georgie had given birth to three kittens. I discovered this while I was talking to my friend Moira on the phone. I just got done commenting on how much skinnier Georgie was looking, trying to convince myself that she must have had gas all along. But, no I was on my bed with my hand under the covers trying to get Georgie to come to me, as I felt a little string like thing under my hand. Moira convinced me I had to look under the sheets and when I did I started yelling “Babies! Babies! Babies in my BED!” Once I calmed down I had to move the kittens from my bed to a new home because I was not going to tolerate sleeping on the floor for weeks.
The past week I have been getting used to the idea of these kittens in my life. As some of you know I am afraid of animals so it takes me a long time to warm up to new creatures in my house. I was doing well convincing myself that this was easy and not that big of a deal. Then Georgie got the great idea that she would start carrying the kittens into my bed while I was sleeping. This did not make me happy. I would wake up in the night and freak out having a mild anxiety attack because this little KITTEN was roaming around under my sheets. I decided to give Georgie three strikes, because that is the golden rule. In one night Georgie got two strikes, it took everything inside of me to not kick her out then. But, I stayed strong to the rule and went to bed the next night with high hopes; she failed and got her third strike. I then proceeded to putting the kitty bed in my salon that I never go in. I also tied my door shut so Georgie couldn’t sneak in.
The next day I left for Essa, before leaving I checked on Georgie and the kittens and all seemed well. Upon my return the kittens were gone. Mind you these creatures have only been living for a week now. Their eyes aren’t even open, they have no way of climbing over the bed I have created for them, and they spend most of their day suckling. BUT! The kittens are gone! I have looked everywhere in my house. Yes I looked in my bed three times, yes I looked in all of the cupboards, and yes I circled my house multiple times. No kittens.
I told some of the people in my village and they all believe that Georgie has eaten three kittens. After discussing this with some knowledgeable cat people we believe Georgie has not in fact eaten the kittens, there just isn’t any evidence of this happening. Does this mean that she carried three kittens individually up my orange tree and put them somewhere else? I cannot find these kittens anywhere?!?! In conclusion I must say this, why am I scared of animals; because you can’t ask them questions.

1 comment:

Don Josefson said...

Leo!!! Leo Stai was in Morocco!!!!