Friday, July 25, 2008

It's Been Awhile

I have attempted two times to post a blog and not had successful experiences so here I go, finally. Since the last time we have chatted I went to Rabat to meet up with Achraf and his wife. Achraf is a Moroccoan who happens to live in Bemidji, Minnesota, and worked with my brother Sachel at Home Depot. Before I left for Morocco Achraf gave me Arabic lessons; which I have since forgotten but appreciate. When I was in Rabat I stayed with Achraf and Heather at his uncle's place which was amazing. It turns out that Achraf's uncle just retired from the ministry of justice in Morocco. The house we stayed in had marble floors, a shower with lots of pressure, two kitchens and a yard with real grass!!! It was amazing. Achraf and his cousin, Yasser, took us around Rabat it was fun to be a tourist and we ate great food. I had a great time and they were all extremely hospitible. Thank you for everything.

I spent last weekend in Essa because some of my friends from the Peace Corps came and visited and it was a blast to see all of them again, it has been two months. One of my Peace Corpers went home, it was sad to see her go, but it was time she was extremely negative before she finally made the decision to go back to America. It is hard to know someone has given up because it gives you the opportunity to welcome those kinds of thoughts. I am not coming home but I do know my life would be a lot easier if I did. But this is why I joined the Peace Corps. I have to keep reminding myself that I asked to be challenged, now it is hard.

But I am at Carrie and Ben's site right now and we are going to get an egg sandwich and a pop. I just looked at facebook and saw all the fun everyone is having and it depressed me, so I went out and bought a broom something that will make my life easier. Life is all about the small things. Whenever I am bummed about missing a music festival or a camping trip I will just go out and buy a household item, then get over it.

I love you all and I am still truckin'.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It's great to hear of your adventure with Achraf. Sounds like a wonderful time....I'm happy that you got to enjoy the "pleasure" of the shower :)
Sach and I have planned the honeymoon. The first three days we will be stayng at what is called the "Bamboo house" it does have running water but that is where the luxury ends. There are mosquito nets around the beds, a compost toilet, and it is open to the air. However, it is on the beach. It will be our first adventure as a married couple. YEAH FOR ADVENTURES!!!
Anyway....stick to your guns Em. Your the only person I know that is tough enough to do this and you won't regret it when your done. Just remember that everyone has there doubts....quiting may be the easy decision but that doesn't mean its the right one. We're all rooting for you!!!
love, Kari