Tuesday, July 8, 2008

McDonald's, McDonald's, KFC, and a Pizza Hut

I spent the weekend in Agadir and it was amazing. The trip didnt start out too amazing though I had my first breakdown on Saturday. I was waiting for a taxi to go and I had been waiting for about an hour because the taxis here dont leave until they are full not when one person is ready but six, it takes a real long time. I was waiting and a bus came by so I jumped out of the taxi and started running for the bus and this man runs past me to tell the bus driver that he cant take me because I have already committed to a cab. I didnt realize once you put your bag in a taxi you cant change your mind. I was a little tiffed by this but I was going to be patient and then my taxi finally fills up and I go to put my bag back in the taxi and they wont let me because I dissed the taxi driver by trying to get the bus. Then I lost it and started screaming English profanities at the taxi driver as he drove away. There is a guy that organizes all of the taxis who is not the driver and so I turn to him and start screaming at him. By this point people are coming out of their shops to see what the American girls is screaming about. Twenty minutes later I got in a different taxi and life was good but I definitely put on a little F word show.

Once I finally got to Agadir it was great I sat on the beach with my pals and then we went to McDonalds. I also went to a dance club and then the next day I went to Pizza Hut. It was a really eventful weekend. I got to get a little break from the bled and dance my problems away.

I am now back in the bled and wishing that time didnt tick by so slowly. Living with a host family is hard and I yearn for the day when I live alone. I only have 24 days left.

I love you



Don Josefson said...

Taxi drivers are the same the world over; they only repond to the F bomb. Didn't Ashrof teach you how to swear in Tashlheet. Next time don't put your bag in the taxi until its full or almost full. The Blue greasy bus is always the best choice.

Agidir sounds cool. S'posed to be the best beaches in Morocco, according to a movie your mother and I watched.

Did Ashrof make it there ok. Did you get to meet up with him? I took your mother out to the 71 Bar for supper and we had McDonald's cake and ice cream for her birthday. She is leaving for Alaska on Saturday and Paul & I are going to the Mark Knopfler concert at the Orpheum on Saturday.

Anonymous said...

I can just about imagine the faces on all those people while you were cursing them out :) That's one American girl they will never forget! Way to stick to the American tradition of "if your patience fails you, just throw a few 'f' bombs at them".
I hope you and Ashrof were able to connect so that you could see a more familar face!

nikki said...

if you give me pictures i'll give you pictures.


Yossarian said...

Howdy partner...long time no anonymous e-contact.

Since we last spoke I have traveled over 12,000 miles across this great nation and back with my lady friend.

Alaska was Alaska - fish, mountains, moose, and everything else... did a lot of fishing, a lot of hiking and a lot looking at glaciers saying things like, "wow, what an ice chunk" and, "I bet it's freeeezing up there."

we are now in Los Angeles where no one cares about anything at all aside from what they will be doing in 10 minutes - it's exactly the opposite of Washington DC.

Last weekend Petra and I drove out to Vegas and did something that I don't want to post on your blog, but it rhymes with "me bot carried" - I'm sorry we don't get to discuss this for the first time over the phone, but you know how that can be.

It's better for you, when you are able, to call me.




I am dead serious about what I just wrote. I promise.

Your adventures sound awesome, and I think your "breakdown" won't lead you to Prozac even if you could find it over there. And, at least they're trying to save gas I guess...anyways...let them have it.

call when you can
