Friday, April 25, 2008

Hamdulah -Thanks be to God

Pack your swim suits because your coming to visit me on the beach. I got my site last night and found out that I will be in the Essaouira Province 25km from the beach which is like 16 miles!!!!! I am so bumped, I cant tell you my exact site but ask my dad if you want to know. I am so ELATED!!! Dad I am not going to the desert! My site has similar weather to San Diego I think. I am leaving tomorrow to go to my site we spend the night in Essa and then we will be at our sites on Sunday. I will be meeting and staying with my new host family until Thursday night. My host family has two daughters one 15 and one 21, I have a mom and a dad that is a potter, and I have a grandma. Running water and electricity! I am replacing a current enviroment volunteer. I will be trying to work with maternal health!! I am really excited to be so close to Essa because they sit on the beach playing guitars and painting. There is also a music festival in Essa every June. Everyone start saving your nickels and dimes because you have to come visit me. Dad start doing some research.

I love you all and will have more to say when I return from this adventure.

Love you,
I am so happy with where I am going to be for the next two years! This has been a very nerve racking experience. There are some people in my group that are totally bummed about their sites, huh.


Sachel C. Josefson said...


I am super happy for you, I told you that good things happen when you work hard.

Love ya


P.S. Scary Mary just walked past my house.

Yossarian said...

Way to go, Champ.

I tried to frickin call you today, but didn't get through - at least, I don't think I did.


Barack Obama said rural people are "bitter" and cling to guns and religion as electoral devices because they have been left behind by the rest of the process.

This, as we both know, is an accurate statement. Of course, on the beast coast, it is the new black. They really jumped on him for it, and he lost by 10% in the Pennsylvania primary. He leads HillClint pretty handily for the nomination.

He apparently failed to take into account that her last name is Clinton, and the Clintons win elections - every single time. She's desperate, but hanging in there.

In other news John McCain is the best candidate in the race, because the last thing people need is a nanny state to tell them how afraid they should be of whatever the entity taking 40% of your income deems is the issue of the day.

keep you posted.

Call me.

Anonymous said...

I am so glad you're going to be somewhere where you can be happy. Davy called me today and made me miss Spain. I miss you, you crazy thang. I hope you're learning lots. Love you.

Don Josefson said...

Essaouira - es-sawirah,
Orson Wells filmed Othello there in 1952. I'm not sure I'll see that one. The city has a fort facing the Atlantic Ocean with a sandy beach to the South a little bit. The ocean right in front of Essaouira is rocky. World famous for its wind and kite surfing. Jimi Hendrix wrote "Castles Made Of Sand" about this town before he started hanging out there with Bob Marley. One can only guess what they spent their time doing. The desert starts to the southeast;Marrakesh is 175 kilometers to the east.

nikki said...

i love you.
congratulations, em!
